quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

De tempos em tempos , From time to time

From time to time

They spend days, years and decades after any fact that haunt the country with such irresponsibility and all you hear and read the same answers are years and years ago. And here refers not only will a single item can be plane, nightclub, circus or bus and even buildings, Brazil is a country of irresponsible Brazilian way and yes kills people. Maybe it was the moment of letting go of this much acclaimed and widespread practice to be more responsible with our own family.

You must stop to acquire at any cost advantage over anyone, only to see profits figures, if we do not, the numbers will continue to count the bodies. The main event of this happening is that the country is not unique, does not walk in the same direction, we often see and read that the regional differences are more important than the common good. It is much more easy to get laughing accents, customs and tragedies that are elsewhere, instead of demanding all improvements and it is more common and fearful than we can imagine.

The people have to understand that regardless of regions or cities we are all part of a society and the tragedy is waiting to happen anywhere, do not choose color or religion. Somo country but a more or less people with more or less, which conforms to situations more or less solved and political more or less than honest. We need to take a step forward, we need to dress proud to be Brazilian, courage, believing that our demands, our attitudes contribute to make Brazil a better and more honest.

We can not accept so many mistakes, so many flaws in the law, so much corruption, we are a society under construction, we are certainly entering another level and therefore can no longer accept such irresponsibility on our part and our leaders.

There is hope, people and the better tomorrow and amid many tears you shed every new tragedy strikes, they are born with a strong current of humanity, we still have a right to feel human in a world that gradually becomes so cold and mechanical.

Tomorrow is uncertain, we do not know if everything will be really enhanced if further tragedies will be avoided, but when we come together to do the best, to demand a country best, this sure makes for some moments, a little less obscure.

Pablo DanielliDe tempos em tempos

Passam dias, anos e décadas após qualquer fato que assombre o país com tamanha irresponsabilidade e tudo que se ouve e lê são as mesmas respostas de anos e anos atrás. E aqui não se refere apenas á um item isolado, pode ser avião, boate, circo ou ônibus e até mesmo construções, o Brasil é um país de irresponsáveis e o jeitinho brasileiro mata sim pessoas. Talvez fosse o momento de abrirmos mão desta tão aclamada e difundida pratica para sermos, mais responsáveis com nossa própria família.

É necessário pararmos de adquirir vantagem a qualquer custo, sobre qualquer pessoa, para apenas ver lucros, cifras, se não o fizermos, os números que continuaremos a contar será o de corpos. O principal fato disto acontecer é que o país não é único, não caminha na mesma direção, muitas vezes vemos e lemos que as diferenças regionais, são mais importantes que o bem comum. É muito mais fácil ficarmos rindo de sotaques, costumes e tragédias que estão em outras partes, ao invés de todos exigirmos melhorias e isso é mais comum e temeroso do que possamos imaginar.

O povo tem que compreender que independente de regiões ou cidades todos fazemos parte de uma sociedade e a tragédia está esperando para acontecer em qualquer lugar, não escolhe cor ou religião. Somo sim um país mais ou menos, com pessoas mais ou menos, que se conforma com situações mais ou menos resolvidas e com políticos mais ou menos honestos. Precisamos dar um passo à frente, necessitamos nos vestir de orgulho de sermos brasileiros, de coragem, acreditar que nossas exigências, nossas atitudes contribuem para fazer do Brasil um país melhor e mais honesto.

Não se pode admitir tantos erros, tantas falhas na lei, tanta corrupção, somos uma sociedade em construção, estamos certamente entrando em outro patamar e por isso não podemos mais aceitar tamanha irresponsabilidade de nossa parte e de nossos governantes.

Há esperança existe, nas pessoas e no amanhã melhor e em meio a tantas lagrimas que se derramam a cada nova tragédia que choca, nasce com elas uma forte corrente de humanidade, ainda temos por direito, nos sentirmos humano em um mundo que aos poucos se torna tão frio e mecânico.

O amanhã é uma incerteza, não sabemos se tudo será realmente melhorado, se novas tragédias serão evitadas, mas quando nos unimos para fazermos o melhor, para exigirmos uma país melhor, esta certeza se torna por certos momentos, um pouco menos obscura.

Pablo Danielli

terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

few days

Some days you dawns with pain

There are days you do not wake up,

There are moments that you do not feel.

There are nights you do not sleep

Just breathe, breathe, petrifies,

Mix the dark.

For days and nights that seem not to exist

There are feelings that we should never feel

There are lives that should never leave

Pablo Danielli

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

The hug that hurts

The hug that hurts

Of all the hugs possible what hurts is exactly what we give is what brand that is in memory.

In January surreal, 231 hugs were replaced by tears, per hour that seems to have more purpose. The smiles and words quieted down before the incomprehensible, our chest is tight, our hands can not find the necessary support to remain standing.

There were only strangers, friends or family, they left us with no action today, was the pain and lack of comfort hug, hug the back, which makes us feel more loved, happier and with tears in her eyes.

The night began with the joy that only young people have, with all possible plans and passions and the sun brought us half red oranges tones that only large losses do Tues

And so it starts a piece of the future, if many prohibits smile that lay ahead, so much life in a single moment this was done from unannounced, without talking and without one last hug.

Moments like this make us less men, make us weaker, so show us moments in a very subtle how cruel we are and that all the second, may be the right time to show our love.

I wish I had the strength to embrace all the families who had their losses, but this hug I can give, and that's the hug that hurts the most impotence in the face of facts, before life and before death so unexpected.

Tonight that presents not have the warmth and joy of many other fantasy, these new days certainly plenty of reasons to smile. Miss one of the last hug the back and the match.

Pablo Danielli

quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

Tipping myths

Tipping myths

Fears and cries,

Escape from oblivion

Stand up in front of the invisible.

Facing the impossible

The unlikely

Pierce intimate.

Pablo Danielli

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013



Doors and windows without scenery, lights dull, something will seduce in solitude. There is no mystery that is as big as his ego. The hours pass slowly, slowly passing thoughts and nothing but walls full of meaningless words, at some time or scratched by a possible sigh.

The cold looks cozy, the floor looks comfortable, his fingers torn apart by truths, do not show any output. Her body shakes, her moan of pain is just something everyone will be invisible, deliberately torture their feeling.

One or two screams as sharp blades, rip the void. Releasing it so useless that the prison became his own body. His image is debate between the walls, letting his eyes brimming with grief, something beyond their own will want to explode inside.

All are out of control, their thoughts, their desires, their tears, their smiles, their pain and their teeth. In the limited universe of your body, not to the few remaining paths to follow integers.

Falls upon himself the weight of doubt, oozes into your pores fear. By slowly consuming her desires so heavy that the leftovers would not serve a banquet to the vultures. Not if there was more annoying hour hand, which at each turn reminded him that longed to forget, destroy.

Not left forces, left him no dreams possible, hourly punished her knees, unable to stand. It gradually disappears, his gaze lost in any line that will treat as a human being, it is a guide, a horizon. Possible outputs nightmares became distant, slowly becomes invisible, will only feel that now feels is his own blood. Forging his bed, his final rest.

Pablo Danielli

Linhas infinitas

Linhas infinitas

Sentimentos inacabados

Figuras abstratas,

Um trago, mais um trago!

Corpos atraídos, copos virados.

A putrefação sentida na sua essência

Decadência, desrespeito, negligência.

Mais um trago, mais um trago!

A trilha sonora que se segue

É o silencio que rompe o escuro,

Noticias de ultima hora

Amaram-se em demasia,

Beberam de mais!

Sonhos e fantasias

Acabaram como tristes,

Mas quase sempre esperadas

Manchetes de jornais!

Enquanto amigos para reverenciar

Imbecilmente conclamam,

Mais um trago, mais um trago!

Pablo Danielli

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013



If you have a mouth naked

Pelada all lie

Profane thy lips,

With all bitching

Morning came

In Brasilia!

If your skin

Serves as cloth

Cover wispy fair!

Clean all dirt,

What gets in your way.

Not only cleanse the skin

Superficial like your thinking!

Mira not only gold

When your hands and arms

Not withstand the weight of age

Pure vanity, bitch,

Just like your picture!

Read your written bad lines

Where has your shit

Thy poor slave life.

And instead of your muscle, heart called

Put a plate maintenance,

And that his misconduct has not been missing!

For lack of emotion throughout

No reason that will resolve the errors,

Pieces of your false moral to the ground.

Die in the cold night

Creature petty,

And reborn with the share of bread!

Pablo Danielli

sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

These are days impossible

These are days impossible

No time to heal,

Tears that wash

And that hatred lasts.

There is no smiling

That persists!

Goodness that does not fail,

Night without jealousy.

And all sun

He has left

Insists on living

In a hurry!

Pablo Danielli

quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013


"Evolution" would be involuntary step backwards?

Pablo Danielli

Peças lascadas, A piece chipped

Just one shade

Invisible will many others


A piece chipped

A shattered city.


A petrified landscape,

shortly admired

Remembered and loved.

Who knows at dawn

Another bloodstain

Stand on the sidewalk.

Coated bodies

small differences

That hour is nothing.

Pablo Danielli

Apenas mais uma sombra

Invisível á tantas outras

Que dormem.

Uma peça lascada

De uma cidade despedaçada.

Quadros vivos

De uma paisagem petrificada,

Pouco admirada

Lembrada ou amada.

Quem sabe ao amanhecer

Mais uma mancha de sangue

Se destaque na calçada.

Revestida por corpos

Pequenas diferenças

Que por hora não são nada.

Pablo Danielli

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

whore fallen

Figure reckless

Lame walk,

Amid the solitude!

Look beast with horns

Angry, his face smeared,

Á slag, disillusioned, Peacock!

Plays with his hopping

The sound of ruin,

Melody corrupted society.

Blinded by Mammon

By desires beyond the bread!

Sucks all hope

Coming from torn veins

Life, alongside that of indifference,

Question! insistently?

Who amid greed

Merce not die?

If you do not value life!

Son wound

That never heals,

whore fallen

Love, disappointment.

Pablo Danielli

Hidden amidst nights

incognita doubt

I do not know beyond the sins

And neither seems to know.

But it is strangely intimate

Like time,

Inexplicably wasted.

Follow me and dissipates in doubt

Hidden amidst nights

It is the headquarters for light

What makes it so intrusive.

And dance with me!

Like a mad unknown

Testing my limits

Pain, pleasure!

Each empty made ​​for fear

The death so cold that surrounds me

It is love, life

Will ever have!

Pablo Danielli

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